Stopping Dog Jumping on Guests: Tips for Dog Owners

Dogs are often very friendly and energetic creatures, and when they see guests arrive at the door, their natural reaction may be to jump up and greet them. While this might seem cute or endearing at first, it can quickly become a problem, particularly if your dog is large or excitable. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some tips for stopping your dogs jumping on guests.

No matter the size of your dog, jumping on your guests is an unwelcome behaviour.
  1. Start with Basic Training

The first step in stopping your dog from jumping on guests is to establish basic obedience training. This means teaching your dog basic commands such as “sit,” “stay,” and “down.” By teaching your dog these cues, you can help your dog understand what behavior is expected of them when guests arrive. Consistency is key when it comes to training, so make sure you practice these exercises regularly, working on criteria such as duration, distance and distraction so they can get better at preforming them.

  1. Teach Alternative Behaviors

Once your dog has a solid foundation of basic obedience training, you can start teaching them alternative behaviors. For example, instead of jumping up to greet guests, you can teach your dog to sit politely and wait for guests to approach them. You can also use treats or toys to distract your dog and redirect their attention away from jumping.

  1. Manage Your Dog’s Environment

Another effective way to prevent your dog from jumping on guests is to manage their environment. In fact with out managing the environment you are more likely to be setting up the dog to fail than to succeed. This means using things like baby gates or crates to prevent your dog from accessing certain areas of the house, particularly when guests arrive. You can also keep your dog on a leash when guests are visiting, which will allow you to control their behavior and prevent them from jumping.

  1. Reward Good Behavior

Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool when it comes to training your dog. When your dog behaves well around guests, be sure to reward them. This will help reinforce the behavior you want to see and encourage your dog to continue behaving well in the future.

  1. Be Patient and Consistent

Stopping your dog from jumping on guests can take time and patience. Remember to be consistent in your training and management techniques, and don’t get discouraged if your dog doesn’t get it right away. With time and effort, your dog will learn to greet guests in a calm and polite manner.

6. Repetition is key to behaviour change.

It might take a dog 10 to 50 times of repeating a behaviour before they understand what is expected on them. If you only have guests over twice a year, then it will take a long time to learn. Set up training sessions with a person arriving and train your dog what you want when you are focused on training and not just when guests arrive.

In conclusion, stopping your dog from jumping on guests is an important part of being a responsible dog owner. By following these tips and techniques, you can help your dog learn to greet guests in a polite and calm manner. Remember, the key is to be patient, consistent, and to always use positive reinforcement.

About admin

Jen Higgins is a Dog Trainer and Behavioural Consultant covering Ipswich, the Western Suburbs of Brisbane and the Lockyer and Brisbane Valley. Her interest in Animal Behaviour extends to many fields of science including Neurology and Ethology as well as Zoology and Behavioural Science (Psychology).
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